Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2020 WordPress and PHP 8 compatibility report

 On November 26, PHP 8 will be released to the world. PHP 8 is set to become one of the most breaking PHP releases in the history of PHP and will bring along unprecedented challenges for legacy PHP codebases, like WordPress, to fix compatibility. 

Today we bring you a comprehensive report on WordPress and PHP 8 compatibility. In sharing this, we hope to educate and help inform both the WordPress and PHP communities about the state of WordPress and PHP 8. After all, PHP is the technology that powers WordPress and WordPress is by far the largest consumer of PHP.

This report is a team effort by Juliette (a PHP engineer well-respected in both the PHP and WordPress communities), Herre (Chief software architect at Yoast) and myself. 


What’s in this report?

In the first part of this report we’ll outline the changes in PHP 8 that are likely to significantly impact WordPress and other legacy codebases. In the second part of this report, we’ll try to provide a perspective on past, present and future challenges regarding WordPress and PHP compatibility. At the end of the report we’ve included a case study of Yoast.com, to illustrate what kind of issues are likely to occur for a large WordPress site on PHP 8. 

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